For operations with multiple facilities, inventory can be transferred quickly as individual stock lots or in bulk via a simple spreadsheet upload.
If you have bonded or regulated warehouses, Wherefour inventory can be segmented via "linked accounts" so that users can quickly and easily switch between facilities and manage inventory just for that facility. Each facility can even decided what the others can see.
All transfers are tracked by date and time and which user did the transfer, and you can even create custom transfer picklists. Transfers can be requested by one user and approved or rejected by another.
Do you work with catch weights, or need to track inventory in one unit of measurement, take orders in a different unit of measurement, invoice in yet another one but pick and ship in yet another? No problem, we can handle it!
When you are ready to physically label your inventory or create pallet tags, Wherefour lets you print GS1-128, Code 128 or Code 93 barcode labels with one click.
Create completely custom pick sheets, bills of lading or other warehouse documents with Wherefour's visual PDF editor. You get to decide what data to show (or not) on your business documents. different unit of measurement, invoice in yet another one but pick and ship in yet another? No problem, we can handle it!
When checking in new material, your team can quickly snap photos or upload COAs, POs or shipping documentation and have it tagged (and searchable) to that inventory.
Wherefour really is cloud-based, not desktop software only "accessible" via the cloud, so you can use virtually any device with internet access. Stay in touch with your business with just a phone, tablet, the computer in your hotel lobby, or while flying. Wherefour's modern ERP frees you and your team from the constraints of the office, which is great for disaster planning or when your business is growing fast and your team needs to wear multiple hats.
Today's manufacturing businesses have a lot of choices for ruggedized and sanitizeable mobile computing and scanning options. Our customers are able to use mobile devices from manufacturers like Zebra and Honeywell.
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