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Traceability at the Speed of Thought

October 17, 2019

The FDA is holding up their promise from last month to bring in a new era of food safety. Frank Yiannas, the Food and Drug Administration’s deputy commissioner for food policy, was first to mention the new campaign last month at the United Fresh Produce Association’s Washington Conference.

According to the FDA, they are working on a detailed plan to leverage new technologies to create a digital, traceable, and safer food system. While acknowledging the progress made from the FSMA of 2011, lettuce be clear (pun intended) that the current program could still be improved upon, there will be a strong emphasis on tech-enabled traceability in this new era.

“What I have learned over the years, and especially from my vantage point with the world’s largest company, is that I do believe the food system’s Achilles heel is traceability and transparency,” according to Yiannas.

Some key areas of focus from the FDA’s website include:

  • Traceability
  • Smarter tools for prevention
  • Evolving business models
  • Retail food safety
  • Food safety culture

In an effort to protect consumer health, the FDA will be reviewing standards for inspections, training, testing, and response to foodborne disease outbreaks. They hope to inspire a new culture of food safety with these changes to keep pace with the increasing demand for accountability.

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