With Wherefour, manually tracking specific stock lots and lot codes on paper or spreadsheets is a thing of the past, and you won’t miss an important transaction during your next audit or compliance inspection.
Our platform provides you and your team with one button lot number tracking – from raw materials through finished goods to the customers that received them. Pack products into different sizes or containers, automatically generate lot codes through that process, and see what lots and quantities were shipped to customers for a date range.
Wherefour’s start-to-finish™ traceability system tracks everything used in your product business, including the user who did the transaction, the date and time, and all the associated costs as well. Generate full traceability or recall reports any time by date range for ingredients or specific lots of production, including what was shipped to customers.
Need to make corrections to a production run? No problem. Wherefour automatically makes the necessary adjustments to production runs using the reworked production and maintains full records of what happened. You’ll always know exactly what suppliers gave you which ingredients, which lots they went into and which customers received them.
When you ship (or deliver through a direct store delivery route) your products, Wherefour records the lot codes you opt to ship (and automatically puts lot codes on orders and invoices), so you always know exactly which lots and quantities went to which customers.
Comprehensive forward, backward or bi-directional trace reports are available at the click of a button, making your next certification inspection a snap. You can even download your report as an Excel file to share with others. You won’t believe how easy it is to get the data you need, when and wherever you need it.
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