Wherefour lets you keep all your data in one place, accessible anytime and from anywhere in the world. Your data stays continuously backed up and is a single source of truth for your operation.
Users can upload, store and "tag" an unlimited number of compliance documents, such as COAs, lab test results, shipment photos, scanned notes, PDF files, spreadsheets and more.
Plus, if you’re using a mobile device like a phone or tablet, simply use the camera to snap an instant record and store it with the rest of your production data. It really is the modern way for you and your team to keep tabs on everything that happens in your facility!
Wherefour’s compliance test functions let you create completely custom QA tests to capture test results, approvals, outside vendor information, notes, photos or documents and much more. It’s an amazing way to make it easy on your staff to keep everything organized and up to date. And since it’s in the same platform as all your inventory data, it’s convenient too.
Metrc users can even store Metrc test results in Wherefour, for easy searching and help in determining what inventory is safe to use.
Wherefour can automatically bundle all the COAs for items in a shipment and deliver a ZIP file to you, or a combined PDF of everything for easy printing (or electronic) delivery to your customers.
It's a huge time saver for your team if you work in industries where compliance paperwork is needed for shipments.
Wherefour can automatically bundle all the COAs for items in a shipment and deliver a ZIP file to you, or a combined PDF of everything for easy printing (or electronic) delivery to your customers. It's a huge time saver for your team if you work in industries where compliance paperwork is needed for shipments.
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